I'm gonna be down in the workshop for a while. Soft-as-silk cotton, cool and fresh under him, smelling faintly of vanilla and laundry detergent. "Experiment went wrong," Shuri says while the others shift around. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Tony actually fucking whoops, a fist in the air and everything. And nobody wants that shit. Tony winces. Yall nasty, Sam shook his head. The tension settles in like it plans to stay, but of course, Tony won't stand for that. Drink up, all of whom this may concern, Tony chirrups and takes a long swig. M're comfrtblll. He doesn't manage the whole word, tongue too tired to bother, but Tony laughs anyway. #brucebanner Does that mean you're single, Barton?. Everything's floaty and his mouth tastes like what Jim Beam smells like, and Nat's let him snuggle up against her for the better part of an hour. This is all my idea. You really were serious when you labeled Clint an affectionate drunk, weren't you? Bruce says to Natasha, and Clint giggles. Can you get to bed by yourself? Natasha asks. Really?. They had just won another championship, a regionals this time. It's not needed; the genius does a fucking smashing job by himself, and Clint can't be bothered to give any shits. Peter didn't know how to respond, the sudden worry etched in MJ's voice throwing him off. "Never have I ever kissed a teammate," I say and everyone on the senior team takes a drink. Nalinis words wont get out of Devis head so Ben gives her something else to think about. Where did you get this tattoo!?" A strong, almost sickly sweet wooden aroma fills the air, and Thor takes a deep whiff before sighing with contentment. Sometimes randomly, even. Yeah, you're doing a bang-up job, Tony., Aaaand we're back on first-name basis! Tony says and does an actual fucking fist-punch in the air. Nat and Wanda took drinks. A sex ally! He squirms happily where he sits and knocks his elbow against Clint's in what's probably supposed to be a companionable gesture. Guy's gotta have a fucking death wish to sneak up on Clint while he's sleeping, the fuck. You didn't wake me up? Clint manages around a yawn and presses into Tony's warm hands. When Clint wakes the next morning, cotton-mouthed and heavy with a pounding hangover-headache, there's a dick poking into his ass. So when I was first turned immortal, this guy name Francis locked me in this thing so I set it on fire. Mmmmmmm, he says approvingly and wriggles a little. Fuck, Tony says and stares at the wall. It had been quite deep and he had to remove the thing himself. and "Oh! Gotta do what you gotta do to survive, Clint ducked his head, examining his drink to avoid eye contact. Tony rolls his eyes. Parker, you're in charge. So no grabbing there, then, Tony says and trails his fingers over Clint's throat. Abe was next. "Hell yeah. Muh?, I'm not gonna send you back into that elevator, Clint says and turns around, slides an arm around Tony's waist and guides him into his apartment. And no, no, Clint really doesn't want to, so he whines until he gets a finger in the ribs, and then he groans and rolls over so he can see the ceiling swirl slowly in an counter-clockwise direction. That's too easy. Its called being gay, you hetero shoelace, Bucky rolled his eyes. These kids are amazing! His arm comes down to trail across his chest instead. That's all I have to say, so goodbye, until next time, and thank you all (again)! Pepper would know what to do. That's the great thing about being two guys who like to have sex a lot: they get to, well, have sex a lot. Damn, I was so sure, Tony says and taps his finger against his chin. Peter had never been drunk before, and now that he knew how quick his metabolism had cleaned his blood of the intoxicating stuff, he wasn't afraid anymore to take a drink with the team now and then. Don't tell me you expected me to last this long.. Peed in a suit., Oh, come on, Tony whines. We all sit down in the living room and wait for Danny to take charge even if I was the leader of the junior team and Uncle Steve was the leader of the seniorteam. Nice. Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. He hadn't expected Peter to take another drink, however, in fact no one had. I wouldn't I mean, I didn't think you would be the one to hug me, if anyone would do it.. Where you can ask anyway, even though you've done it? Tony seems to look mostly at Bruce, Natasha and Clint, since the two others haven't played this before. Army issue underwear doesnt really hold up to battle conditions. Bucky had no idea that he was a werewolf until he escaped hydra with the help of Sam and the avengers, he thought he was alone with being what he was since no one on the team knew what he was until he turned one night and ran to the woods, accept what will happen when someone new to the team is like Includes: My turn. Cliiiiiint, Tony whines and elbows him in the side. See, that's not playing fair, Barton. All donations are used to provide the service; no profits are made by the site owners, I thought we'd made up.. You're no fun, Cap. Yeah, well, I didn't listen back then either, did I? Clint points out. Alright, Tony said, because of course he would take charge of anything alcohol related, everyone have a drink? Tony purses his lips. I thought it was just a month and three weeks., Nope, she says and somehow manages to get behind the Captain, driving him to the floor with a well-aimed kick to the back of his knees. Oh, come on, Clint sighs and sips his coffee. Are you trying to get a full set or something? Clint asks, because it's pretty obvious that Thor and Bruce haven't tangoed, and he knows Natasha hasn't slept with any of them aside from Clint, of course, but that's years ago now. But I was locked in a room so I couldn't get out. Okay. Then you get to be the one to tell everyone why we're not fucking each other.. Bruce grabs one of the packets of Cheetos and looks around with that same calm, quietly interested-but-also-exasperated air he usually wears around Tony and his antics. He's toppy as hell, no matter if he's giving or receiving, but he's adamant that Clint get as many orgasms as himself, and he's really good with some of the triggers Clint has. Shit like that., Yes, Clint is right, Steve says seriously. left kudos on this work. Bruce and Steve sit on the other side, and between the six of them they make a semi-neat circle. He's clearly forgotten where it is, so the chances are big that he'll jump someone else unsuspecting. Or I rip my clothes.. Michelle was even prepared to get the bells from her own room. I'm a weak, weak man., Clint smiles, but it feels odd on his face, and the last two months suddenly spin through his head to add an uncomfortable amount of evidence. D'nt care. It wasn't a conscious decision for either of them, which is freaky as hell. If there are limits, the fun's gone. I was sleeping. Its called being undercover. The building only fell on the bottom half of me so I just continued to eat my bagel while the ambulance tried to get me from under the building. No! He's adorable, Tony drawls, a noticeable slur in his words by now, and Thor laughs, because he's laughing at pretty much anything at this point. And okay, Tony was sort of expected, because, well. And I didn't so much pee on his suit as I peed in his bag so technically, I guess I've peed on five suits. He looks down at his rapidly draining bottle. #tonystark "Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," Scott says and everyone but Uncle Rohdey, Aunt May and him takes a drink. You expect me to do all the work?. Does that mean I have to take five swigs?. Thor glances down at his jug of mead with a bemused expression. which, to be fair, was a good point. Seriously? The silence prompts Clint to pry open his eyes. Yeah, Tony sighs out and nips lightly at Clint's lips. And that's how I started my journey to become to almighty me!" this one's for my catty's perpetual nhie rewatch girlies. You learn stuff about each other.. Nat, Sam, Clint, and Peter took a shot. Can she rely on everyone she knows to help her get through this? Okay, then. After the serum. Once Clint is in bed, Tony makes a quiet, questioning noise and actually rolls over to plant his face firmly in the crook of Clint's neck. "When have you ever driven? But you can say something you have done like, 'never have I ever eaten a cheeseburger' it just means that you have to drink, like everyone else who has done that particular thing.. This is my room.. "Never have I ever been stabbed." Happy New Year Paxton, she whispered.Happy New Year Devi, he murmured back before drawing her in again. "Everyone grab a drink and sit down, it's time for never have I ever!" Never have I ever been stabbed in the back, Natasha says and takes a pull of her Stoli. Before Tony can open his mouth to reveal his secret, Natasha sighs. Please consider turning it on! Simply reader inserts with the fandom/character of your choice! "Fine. Never have I evergone commando, Natasha disclosed. Vague snorts from the rest of the team. We've got all the fun questions left! He swirls his mostly-empty bottle and makes a thinky-face. I like sex. The guy isn't being handsy; not even clingy. It's not unheard of or even uncommon it means you're not sexually attracted to anyone., But I was, Steve says, sounding a bit numb. Which is, of course, why Tony has waited to tell Clint and Natasha until it's too late to stop it. Ship? So why did he suddenly feel like he was being avoided? set in senior year, following canon season 3 (and assuming that ben and devi get together after it.). So I miss the sex.. I've got all the good stuff on my level anyway, so I'll bring it down, and Thor said he'd introduce us to proper mead. Of course Spider-Man is a klutz, Sam rolled his eyes good-naturedly. Nn. Now you'll just guilt me into staying., Clint leans back to grimace at him. Ninja strings.. Peter said slowly, avoiding everyone's eyes and looking down at his empty shot glass instead. You have reached the end of "Never Have I Ever". Go team go. There are ships? Thor says and looks around, dropping his mug. Heh. Betty ringed the bell. It wasn't until she had been on the run for months. It's a skill. Now. And the hand immediately retreats along with an annoyed huff from its owner. You mentioned that.. Peter put down his hand and gave his best friend a betrayed look. It was disappointing, to say the least, how many of his classmates drank every week. Oh, he says. So if you don't mind?, It takes a couple of seconds before Clint gets the implications so get the hell outta my room and when he does, he whines. Wanda said. They went back into the elevator. In these Au's Loki is an avenger because I like that idea and him dying isn't an option whatsoever. An angry voice cried out. 's r'lly good, 'Tasha.. It's entertaining, if not hell on the ear drums. People are allowed to go without underwear if they want, Rhodey scolded mildly. Flash was surprisingly silent, dipping his head up and down, as if listening to music only he could hear. And, I might add, the suit had a filtration system.. Tony laughs, throaty and quiet. Natasha turns to him with an icy stare. How will she react? Paxton Hall- Youshia wasn't used to being confused by girls. Howard Gross takes his son to New York City when he is a child. Clint blinks and looks at the ceiling, but the AI stays silent. Awwww, so cute, Tony coos. It's not about what I think, Tony, Clint says. Your virtue's pr'tected., Clint, up, Natasha says. Shit. Okay, I suggest we go clock-wise with people asking questions, and I suggest that I start, since seriously, you guys. Honestly of all the IronDad stories, this one is by far the best written, and quite possibly has the best finale I've seen in fanfiction ever. Thor seems to think it's all hysterical. By the time it got to Sam, he decided to tease Steve and Bucky a little more by saying "Never have I ever had a boyfriend.". The Avengers All I asked was that you're honest with me whether it's about us being in a relationship or fuckbuddies or something completely different. "How do I know that?" This is the great thing about Never Have I Ever. I'm not great at relationships. Clint, Natasha, and Bucky I get, they were assassins and seduction is normal in that field, and everyone knows Im a giant man-whore, but you? He's not sure if it's a warning sign or a sign of affection, but he flops onto his stomach anyway so he faces the circle. 's been an awes'me night. He grimaces. Tony laughs, tells him to shut up, and kisses him. The elevator dinged. "Moving on," Steve cleared his throat and shifted in his seat "Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar." Blanket excuse.. Weak sauce, man. I should never have agreed to play never have I even, especially with my 'family'. #marvel Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver 'Cause I'm open for a lot of stuff, man, but choking me's not gonna work out for everybody., Tony laughs, but it's soft, not mocking. I too find it welcoming, the physical affection of my shield brothers be it erotic or not. He turns to Steve, and suddenly looks really serious. (Clint thinks Thor might actually be drunk at this point, too.) He's still kind of horny, but he's also tired, so he can't be bothered to get off on his own right now. And the rest of you? Sam arched an eyebrow, surveying the perpetrators. Sam cracked a small smile, glad to embarrass the secret couple. DC Character It's blueberry, his favorite. It's creepy. Clint's nightmares come back, although they never really left, it was just a lot easier to forget about them with a warm body close by. "Is that true, referee M Jee?" Never have I ever woken up with no idea where I was, Wanda mused. That's what Clint's picked up, at least, never actually having gone himself. And out of those two, only one can be remedied, I'm afraid. Tony sighs dramatically before he straddles Clint and brushes their lips together. I'm really sorry, Clint says, and promptly squirms back under the covers when he remembers that he's still naked. Tony, Rhodey, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, and Peter all drank. Uncle Steve mocks himself and we all laugh. It kind of works, which is good enough, and he turns to wave at Tony and Thor. They start to cuddle, an oddity Clint isn't even aware of until one movie night, when he wakes up long after the movie's done and the others have gone to bed. or even 'I don't want to play, I will just watch' but Ned had looked at him with puppy eyes to rival his own and he had just sighed and wished all questions would be stupid and he didn't have to reveal some weird shit here. Respect, they said in unison, toasting each other. Team red, only being 16-17 had juice boxes. This is her journey through the Marvel Universe through the decades. AU: Devi and Paxton never broke up, and Devi and Des are just friends. Tony sits outside Clint's door with bleary eyes and soot all over his shirt. This one counts.". Ask anyone. "Right here," I say and lift my shirt up and show him, Ava, Luke, Nova, Danny, and my name tattooed on my ribs in their handwriting. "You doing that face is only proving the fact you're a child even more," Tony rolled his eyes, smirking, and helped Natasha carry the rest of the drinks to the coffee table, which the rest of the team was sitting around (those who were still there, that is). They're all pretty smashed at this point, save for Bruce (who's going easy on the good stuff) and Cap (whose ridiculous metabolism has already blown through all the alcohol he's consumed, rendering him annoyingly sober, in Clint's opinion), but Natasha doesn't lose all her composure and walls when she's drunk, unlike other people. And today, he saw Jessica at school too, so he was ecstatic about that too. #spiderson Yeah like that was surprising, Wanda rolled her eyes. guess whos sleeping on the stairs again ???? Feels normal, almost, which is a ridiculous thought because of their lives and Tony being, well, Tony. Sorta, Clint says. PETER? It's huge and looks delicious, even if Clint hasn't slept in here before, and he wrestles out of his clothes before flopping onto the bed, naked as hell. Earlier in the day they fought against enchanted trees and not just one but two mad scientists, which explained why they were so exhausted and in need of a good game to play. Thor brings a keg a fucking wooden keg, ladies and gentlemen to the floor, and cracks open the lid. Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. Romance Avengers Lokiandreader. Nat's gorgeous, and people always notice but Clint knows she finds it easier to trust people that don't want to get in her pants. After another moment of the Captain being stiff and awkward, Steve's posture relaxes and his arms come up around Clint's waist. He couldn't deny this one, and now had four fingers. I steal Ned and Tonys clothes. Clint's missed this more than he's missed the sex. MJ, these are the guys." Wait, am I selling myself right here?, Clint chuckles. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (245), Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Devi Vishwakumar (184), Paxton Hall-Yoshida & Devi Vishwakumar (54), Fabiola Torres & Devi Vishwakumar & Eleanor Wong (28), Devi Vishwakumar & Nalini Vishwakumar (18), Fabiola Torres & Devi Vishwakumar & Eleanor Wong, Indian moms are overprotective towards sons, Paxton Hall-Yoshida & Rebecca Hall-Yoshida, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Ben Gross & Devi Vishwakumar & Original Character(s), "Nothing shakespeare couldn't turn into a really good play", fabiola and aneesa are together and in love because I say so, this is also lowkey a trent and eleanor fic because I love them, ben and devi are stubborn idiots and we love them, this is only ging to be sort of faithful to the play cause i do what i want, Picture Perfect Shiny Family (Holiday Peppermint Candy), this fic has 3 chapters but spans many years, howard will be in chapter 3 a LOT so im hyped about that, note: Devi only appears over text messages, Welcome to New York (It's Been Waiting for You), written for author's self-satisfaction and mental health, Everyone is awesome but I still ship Ben & Devi I'm sorry, Make the Friendship Bracelets (Take the Moment and Taste It), and i thought huh. It's early enough in the morning that he can do that without a retaliatory punch. "Peter BenjaminParker-Stark! Lindsay's bitching at her sister already and they're only in the preliminary round; she's going down. Matt said. " Shut up, this is the last one. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". It counts, Bruce says, and Clint obediently drinks. He makes sure that his lips are wrapped around the spout, and he knows Tony's watching. Ok, never have I ever made a list of all the people I slept with and been shocked by how high the number was, Sam grinned. You owe me ten bucks, Clint says to Natasha, who shakes her head. It doesn't even bother him much, now that he's back home and out of Medical. They were all gathered in the communal room to relax. "I was impersonating Bucket Head over there," I say pointing to Nova and he turns red. He doesn't drink; everyone else does even Thor. "Really?" Never Have I Ever Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction A/N: Ok, so this prompt made me incredibly giddy, and it's one I thought of myself :3 this is going to be three parts, and it's going to be absolute teasing filth. His eyes are fond. Please don't expect much, it's rea #avengers I'm not doing this right, am I? And now he just looks hopeless. "Never have I ever smoked marijuana," Danny says and everyone but him takes a drink and this seems to surprisethe senior team. Bruce was on a stool, placing the book he had been reading on the table next to the drinks when the others started talking, and Thor (who sat on a stool he had pulled away from the bar) decided to put his hammer on it. The Avengers and team red were play never have I ever but it was the drinking version. "It was just an accident." But then, the Peter Parker part of him, the ever so honest part, didn't really want to lie. It's Stark.. Murmurs of agreement were heard throughout the group as they stood and meandered tipsily to their rooms to sober up. But she now was at a new school, with new friends and even a boyfriend. You looked all cute and Sleeping Beauty. Clint doesn't know what he's checking for, but he kisses back all the same. "The fuck!?" Awww, Tony says and sits down across the table from them, chugging down his murky green milkshake like he's getting paid for it. Kidding?, No no, Tony says, sounding far away, shaking his head slowly.
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