9770 Patuxent Woods Dr #200
Columbia, MD 21046
List Democratic Candidates CLICK HERE – click on names to go to the candidate’s website.
Early Voting Locations: Howard High School | Long Reach High School | Marriotts Ridge High School | Wilde Lake High School | Reservoir High School (High School Locations – Google Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1ochEj4Qv6bdTjYBNSuPJY1Tt6MbLo2CN&hl=en&ehbc=2E31)
Register to vote or verify that your voter registration information is current and make any updates by June 28, 2022.
To vote by mail, you must request a mail-in ballot from the State Board of Elections or your local board. Your request for a mail-in ballot for the Gubernatorial Primary Election must be received by July 12, 2022. Mail-in ballots must be postmarked or placed in a designated ballot drop box by 8 pm on July 19, 2022 for the Gubernatorial Primary Election.
If you have requested a mail-in ballot but have changed your mind and would like to vote in-person, you will be given a provisional ballot when voting in person. DO NOT vote in person and mail-in your ballot. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].
Voter Registration and Mail-in Ballot Request: https://voterservices.elections.maryland.gov/OnlineVoterRegistration/InstructionsStep1
Maryland Voter Registration and Polling Place Look-Up Tool: https://elections.maryland.gov/voting/where.html
Sign Up to Be An Election Judge: https://www.howardcountymd.gov/board-elections/election-judges
Maryland State Board of Elections: https://www.elections.maryland.gov/
Maryland State Board of Elections – 2022 Gubernatorial Elections – Voter Resources: https://www.elections.maryland.gov/elections/2022/index.html
Democratic Candidates running for office: