Voting Q&A
Am I Registered to Vote?
Visit the Maryland State Board of Elections website and check to make sure you are registered and to find your polling place:
How do I Register to Vote or Request a Mail-In Ballot?
Click here to register to vote in federal, state, county and city elections in Maryland, to request a mail-in ballot, or to update your registration if your name or address has changed –
Download a copy of the Voter Registration Application (pdf), fill it out and mail it to the Howard County Board of Elections, 9770 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia, MD 21046
Voter Registration Application (pdf) Traditional Chinese
Voter Registration Application (pdf) Simplified Chinese
Voter Registration Application (pdf) Korean
Voter Registration Application (pdf) Spanish
Who are MY elected officials? What District am I In?
Enter your address at MDELECT.COM to find out who represents you in the Maryland General Assembly and U.S. Congress
Enter your address at to find out who represents you in the Howard County Council.
Where can I Find 2022 Early Voting Information?
Where are Howard County’s Early Voting Centers and Drop Boxes Located?
The Howard County Early Voting Locations have been updated for 2022. Please visit the Howard County Board of Elections website at https: and select ‘Early Voting’ to stay up to date with the latest information. The Drop Box locations will be posted shortly.
Voting in Maryland
Do you still have questions? Check out the People’s Law Library of Maryland website hosted by the Thurgood Marshall State Law Library for additional information on your voting rights: